The WhitneyStrong Organization

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Save A Life Series - Terrell Williams

For far too long, my community has been plagued with gun violence, and many people including myself, have lost loved ones due to this public health issue. While it may take the city a while to alleviate this problem, something that can be done to help immediately to save lives from gun violence is the Whitney/Strong Save a Life Series.

The two major components of the Save a Life Series are Stop the Bleed training and Firearm Safety training. Stop the Bleed training is a skillset that I believe all residents of West and South Louisville need. Often, a gunshot wound becomes fatal because of exsanguination—death from too much blood loss. Regardless of how fast or slow emergency responders arrive at an emergency, bystanders will always be the first people on the scene. I think back to when I was laying on the ground with multiple gunshot wounds, bleeding out, and being surrounded by 10+ people. Even though I was surrounded by multiple people, none of them knew what to do. They were all just staring at me hopelessly. I’m extremely blessed and fortunate to still be here today. However, I think about the countless number of people who weren’t as fortunate as me. Were people staring at them hopelessly in their time of suffering too? That’s why Stop the Bleed is important to me. It gives people the power to take control of what may seem like an uncontrollable situation.

Firearm safety training is equally as important as Stop the Bleed training. Our firearm safety training teaches individuals the proper way firearms should be stored, the proper way firearms should be handled, and how to prevent accidental death or injury. It is well-known that many of the gun-related deaths that occur in my neighborhood, and others like it, involve kids who shouldn’t have access to these firearms. As adults, we must acknowledge and take some responsibility in the role we play when it comes to youth gun violence. Whether it’s taking our firearms out of our cars at night, or ensuring we use gun locks, or teaching our youth the dangers of firearms, we have to start taking steps in the right direction to prevent these senseless gun-related injuries. The Whitney/Strong Save a Life Series is a step in the right direction! 

So, why should you attend a Save a Life session? Because you will gain the necessary tools and knowledge to save a life! You can help prevent someone from going through the pain of losing a son, brother, sister, daughter, father, mother, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, friend, or neighbor. The Whitney/Strong Save a Life Series will benefit not only West and South Louisville, but it will act as a model for other communities in the U.S. who experience similar trauma. Together, we can do better!