The WhitneyStrong Organization

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Mac Brown

To the Joint Judiciary Committee,

Because I could not attend the Joint Judiciary Committee meeting today due to a family commitment, I offer my statement of support for CARR.

Like many Americans, I am and have been a gun owner since my youth.  I strongly believe in the 2nd Amendment and our right to keep and bear arms, but unfortunately this freedom is clashing with the mental health crisis society is facing. 

I have learned from personal experience that a person who is dealing with serious mental health issues loses perspective and often does not make rational judgement.  Their loss of control often goes to the point where they do not realize they are hurting someone else or themselves, even to the point of death.  Consequently, like most Americans, I believe society needs to put in place a system that will help these individuals and protect the lives of possible victims while respecting 2nd Amendment rights.

The Crisis Aversion and Rights Retention Bill or CARR offers the best process, and I encourage your involvement in improving it. Most individuals who are dealing with mental health issues give some sign of their future harmful intentions and CARR provides a tool to intervene. While CARR will not solve all potential harmful incidences, it has the ability to have a serious impact, especially when it comes to suicide. 

From my perspective I do not see CARR as legislation that takes away our right but rather one that protects our right, the right to Life. I ask that the members of this joint committee and the remaining members of the House and Senate seriously consider the ramifications the problem mental health is causing society and pass this bill.


Mac Brown

Harrods Creek, Kentucky